Frequently-asked questions that most Tradepayers find helpful.
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What is Tradepay?

Tradepay is a B2B payment platform for businesses where all transactions are processed using part cash and part virtual currency: 60% in $US and 40% in a virtual currency called Trade Dollars (T$).

How are you different from other trading platforms?

There are many reasons why Tradepay is different, including a part-cash and part virtual currency concept. All transactions are 60% in $US and 40% in virtual currency called Trade Dollars (T$). This revolutionary 60/40 concept is guaranteed to put you in a win-win position. You will win by getting new customers and selling more at full price. You will win again by spending less cash when buying from other Tradepayers.

How does a Tradepay transaction work?

A Tradepay transaction is very much like a credit card or debit card transaction. Every transaction made is 60% in cash and 40% in trade dollars (T$). Let's say you sold some goods, 60% of the price will be deposited in $US straight to the bank account you link to your Tradepay account, and the other 40% will be in T$, deposited to your Tradepay account. And vise versa, when you want to buy some goods, you will pay 60% of the price in $US from your credit card and 40% from your T$ account. If you don't have enough T$ for your purchase, you can apply for an interest-free line of credit of up to T$25,000.

Who can use Tradepay?

Tradepay is used by businesses of all kinds and sizes. Whether you are a huge corporation, mid-sized business, a local business, a e-commerce shop, or simply a freelancer working from home, if you have the capacity to take on additional business, then Tradepay is for you.

Is this a one-to-one trade? Do I have to buy from the same company I sell to?

Absolutely not! You can use your Trade Dollars or line of credit to buy from any other Tradepay member, not just the ones you sell to. This is why Tradepay is so flexible. Search among thousands of businesses of almost every category imaginable. Want to trade with a company that is not yet a Tradepay member? You can easily invite them to Tradepay and we will reward you both for doing so! Contact your account manager for the details.

What can I buy and sell through Tradepay?

You can buy or sell virtually any product or service through Tradepay, from open billing hours, furniture, art, electronic products, software, web hosting, printing, medical and dental services, bookkeeping, attorney services, idle inventory and unfilled space like rooms you haven't rented or tables that didn't get reserved, and any other goods or services you can imagine. See our Terms of Use for the details.

What if my suppliers don’t use Tradepay?

If the company you want to purchase from is not yet a Tradepay member, you can easily invite them to join Tradepay, and we will reward you both for doing so! Your account manager can share the details with you so please reach out.

What is Wepay? Why do I have to sign up with them?

Tradepay has partnered with Wepay, a premier credit card processing entity, that charges the buyer's credit card at the time of purchase and deposits the funds into the seller's bank account.

How secure is Tradepay?

You have nothing to worry about - we have got you covered. Tradepay's security is a Payment Card Industry (PCI) DSS compliant, so you know that all of your transactions are secure.

Can I use Tradepay for personal purchases?

Yes, of course. Many of our members use it for restaurant meals, sport tickets, donations, beauty, spa or gym purchases, holidays, golf, car maintenance or even a dentist... Well, the sky is the limit - and, why not, maybe even some skydiving lessons. However, Tradepay is a business to business platform and any personal purchases you make will be charged to your Tradepay business account.

How can I close my account on Tradepay?

At any moment you can change the status of your account in Business Profile section of the dashboard. In case you want to temporarily become 'invisible' to other Tradepay members choose 'Paused' state. If you want to permanently leave the Tradepay choose 'Close account' state and save the profile. Remember that when you close your account all your remaining T$ will be deposited to Tradepay company account. In case you have T$ debt it is going to be charged from your credit card before closing your account.
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