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Through Your Best Trades!

About Us

Tradepay was born with the sole mission of creating a profitable ecosystem where small to medium sized businesses can buy goods and services from one another using part US Dollars (US$) and part Trade Dollars (T$), our form of virtual currency.

The Tradepay concept was conceived over 20 years ago when one of our founding members was engaged in a retail trade exchange where all members bought goods and services without using any cash. All members paid with 100% trade currency.

While members liked the concept of trading goods and services, and receiving a fair market value in the form of trade credits, the reality was that their cash investment wasn’t being reimbursed. No matter how beneficial a trade is, every product and service still holds “real” cash value. Tradepay’s founders saw the issue and wanted to invent a platform that would allow trades to benefit both parties while covering initial investments, but were limited by regulations and technology.

Fast forward 20 years to 2015, when banking regulations changed and the ability to transfer real “cash” from a buyer's credit card to a seller's bank account became possible. The idea that one simple transaction, which would accommodate both the US$ portion of a transaction along with the virtual currency portion by using an online wallet, was now possible.

Millions of businesses trade goods and services all around the world every day. Tradepay now makes it possible to complete transactions with thousands of other businesses around the world using part “real” tender in the form of US$ or Euros, and part Trade Dollars in the form of virtual currency.

Tradepay is a flexible trade system where Trade Dollars can be used to purchase from any Tradepay member in any increment resulting in a one-to-many relationship when it comes to spending Trade Dollars.

Tradepay provides wholesale buying power to all its members by enabling buyers to pay only 60% of the purchase price in US$, and the remaining 40% in the form of Trade Dollars. This covers a seller’s initial investment while allowing room for profits in both “real” cash and virtual currency. This adds up to major savings and tremendous opportunities.

Tradepay is patent pending (Methods and Apparatus for Conducting Trade Exchange Purchase and Sale Transactions Using Partial Virtual Currency and Partial Cash Payments, ID 15591097).
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