Tradepay is a B2B marketplace where all transactions are processed using part cash and part virtual currency: 60% in USD and 40% in a virtual currency called Trade Dollars (T$).
As a seller, the USD portion is transferred to your linked bank account, and the virtual currency portion is credited to your TradePay wallet, which can be used to purchase goods and services from thousands of other Tradepayers.
Think of it as business trading that allows you to spend less cash when you buy, connect with a massive community of new customers, and get full value for the goods and services you sell.
Trading is a proven and trusted business practice. Now Tradepay has improved the concept and made it accessible for all businesses. With the Tradepay platform, you can buy products and services with less cash and earn new customers at the same time. With more than 28M businesses in the US, the opportunities are limitless.