Fortune companies

Over 475K business and 65% of fortune 500 companies are already trading

Now you can do the same in a smart way
Tradepay is a B2B payment platform for businesses where all members transact using part cash and part virtual currency. All transactions are paid for using 100% virtual currency, providing benefits for both buyer and seller that other trade platforms just can’t offer.
Get Started

Accounting in virtual currency

Tradepay keeps track of all your transactions just like paypal, but in virtual currency, so you don't have to rely on peer to peer trading
Extend your working capital by paying less cash when making purchases
Gain new loyal customers you didn’t have before

Line of Credit

Up to a T$25,000 line of credit to get your business off the ground
Line of credit is paid back when other Tradepayers buy from you, giving you a source of new customers
Line of credit is interest free. We only charge a small monthly fee when you use it

Marketplace & Personal Dashboard

Easy to use marketplace with thousands of products and services
Manage all transactions in one easy-to-use dashboard
View member listings and access checkout buttons

Checkout Button

Get an easy to use checkout button (similar to Paypal)
Button can be integrated into any website
Transactions are seamless and processed in real time
Login Get Started
Line of Credit
How to sell
How to buy
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